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Stuart Wilkinson

Stuart Wilkinson

Stuart Wilkinson joined Hostplus in 2015 and was appointed as Group Executive in February 2020. He is a PhD-qualified Organisational Psychologist with almost 20 years’ experience in senior strategy and leadership roles.

As Group Executive, Strategy & Transformation, Stuart is accountable for setting the strategic direction of Hostplus and delivering the Fund’s digital transformation program.

Stuart leads corporate strategy, business intelligence and the project management office, helping drive a Fund that is innovative, member-focused and successful.


Roles and responsibilities

Group Executive – Strategy & Transformation

  • Corporate Strategy, including development and performance reporting of the Hostplus strategy, leading the Board strategy day, facilitation of the Board strategy day, and management of the departmental and whole-of-Fund business planning and review process
  • Business Intelligence, including the development of strategic and operational metrics, quarterly monitoring of the Fund's performance, and the provision of data and insight to various business functions
  • The Project Management Office, including the design and delivery of the Fund’s Business Transformation Program and other strategic projects. This extends to project managing the design and delivery of new products to meet the needs of the Fund’s evolving membership


Year of appointment

  • 2020


Qualifications and memberships

  • Combined PhD & Masters in Organisational Psychology, The University of Melbourne
  • Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Hons), La Trobe University
  • Registered Organisational Psychologist (Vic)



  • Executive Manager, Strategy and Transformation at Hostplus
  • Head of Strategy, Business Intelligence and PMO at Hostplus
  • Principal, Right Lane Consulting, Melbourne
  • Group Manager, Strategy, Leighton International, Dubai, UAE
  • Senior Organisational Consultant, Willis Towers Watson, Melbourne