
General Website Disclaimer

This website is issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited (the Trustee) ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund (the Fund) ABN 68 657 495 890, MySuper No 68657495890198. Hostplus Self-Managed Invest (SMI) is issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Pooled Superannuation Trust (PST) ABN 13 140 019 340.

The information contained on this website is general advice only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider if this information is appropriate for you in light of your circumstances before acting on it. Please read the relevant Hostplus Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or Hostplus SMI PDS before making a decision about Hostplus. For a description of the target market, please read the Target Market Determination (TMD), available at hostplus.com.au/ddo.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund. 

Hostplus has engaged Industry Fund Services Limited (IFS) ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514 to facilitate the provision of personal financial advice to members of Hostplus. Advice is provided by financial planners who are Authorised Representatives of IFS. Fees may apply for Comprehensive Financial Advice. Further information about the cost of comprehensive advice is set out in the relevant IFS Financial Services Guide, a copy of which is available from your financial planner. 

Hostplus has engaged Link Advice Pty Ltd ABN 36 105 811 836, ASFL 258145 to facilitate the provision of limited personal advice to members of via the web-based product SuperAdviser.

Awards and ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when choosing a superannuation fund. 

The information contained in this website is current at the time of publication being the date specified on the webpage.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Hostplus excludes all representations and warranties, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, relating to the information published on this website, and excludes all liability for any loss or damage (including indirect, special or consequential loss or damage) arising from the use of, or reliance on, the information provided on this site, whether or not caused by any negligent act or omission. Hostplus does not accept any liability for information provided by third parties.

If, Hostplus’ liability cannot be excluded, restricted or modified, but is otherwise is capable of limitation, then, to the maximum extent permitted by the law, Hostplus limits its liability to the re-supply of the services and information or, if that is not possible or appropriate, to paying the cost of resupplying that service or information.

Hostplus has one of the lowest admin fees out of any MySuper Fund. Source: SuperRatings fee data, extracted from SMART platform 18/01/2022. List filtered for public offer MySuper products which are open for new members based on SuperRatings product data, extracted from SMART 2.0 platform. Ranking was determined on 24/02/2022 based on the total administration fees and costs for a $50k account balance, and incorporating Hostplus’ new asset based administration fee of 0.0165%.