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Comprehensive personal advice could help you get on track to a future full of positivity. 

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Specific life events insurance


Keep your insurance up to date with your life. To get the best value out of your insurance you should ensure you have the right cover in place as your life changes.

Mother and daughter hugging outdoors

Life doesn't
stay the same

From one year to the next there are new sports, new adventures, new aches and pains...

As your life changes you should ensure you have the right insurance cover in place.

Make sure your insurance is right for you, right now

Buying a new home. Getting married. Starting a family. These are just some of life’s milestones that can call for additional cover.

How specific life events can boost your Death and Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) cover

You can increase your unitised cover by up to four additional units or increase your fixed benefit cover by 25% of your current sum insured, up to a maximum of $200,000.

Specific life events may differ for grandfathered Intrust Super and Statewide Super insurance arrangements. Please refer to the relevant insurance guides for more information.

What are specific life events?

To take advantage of the additional cover available for specific life events, you will need to apply within six months of:

  • getting married
  • the birth or adoption of a child/children
  • a dependent child starting secondary school
  • getting a divorce
  • taking out a mortgage or negotiating an increase to your existing mortgage on your home
  • taking out a business loan in excess of $100,000
  • increasing an existing business loan by at least $100,000 (excluding re-draw and refinancing).

Enjoy the confidence of knowing your insurance is keeping up with you every step of the way.  Terms and conditions apply, refer to the PDS for more information.

Specific life events may differ for grandfathered Intrust Super, and Statewide Super insurance arrangements. Please refer to the relevant insurance guides for more information.
