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Comprehensive personal advice could help you get on track to a future full of positivity. 

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Leaving Australia


You might be leaving Australia to pursue a new career, to follow the love of your life, or to return to your friends and family back home. But what happens to your super if you decide to leave Australia permanently? If you’ve been working here as a temporary resident and have earned super during that time, you can take any accumulated super funds with you.

A young woman is hugging her boyfriend upon arrival in the airport

Understanding the
Departing Australia
Superannuation Payment (DASP)

Temporary residents who are permanently leaving Australia can claim any funds in their Hostplus super account as a Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) if their visa has expired or been cancelled, and they have left the country.

You can’t claim the DASP if you’re an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or an Australian permanent resident – it’s only available to people on temporary resident visas. 

Understanding the



When to claim the DASP

You must wait until you’ve left Australia and your visa is no longer active to submit a DASP application. However, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) recommends starting your DASP application while you’re still in Australia so that it’s easy for you to access all the relevant information.  

To claim the DASP from your Hostplus account, you should apply within six months of leaving Australia. If you don’t claim the DASP within this time frame, we may transfer the money to the ATO.  

How to claim the DASP

If you’re applying for the DASP, you’ll need to submit your application via the ATO.

Here’s the process: 

  1. Find your super and bank account details, visa information and passport number. You may also need your tax file number (TFN). 
  2. Go to the DASP online application system on the ATO website. 
  3. Use your TFN to search for your super account. Alternatively, if your super hasn't been transferred to the ATO, you can provide your Hostplus member number and the Hostplus ABN (68 657 495 890).  
  4. Complete and submit the DASP application. 
  5. Once the ATO approves your application, they’ll instruct us to pay out your super balance (if your super hasn't been transferred to the ATO). Allow at least 28 days from the date the ATO receives your application.   

Please note the above process is managed by the ATO and subject to change. 


Do you have more than $5,000 in your account?

In addition to completing your ATO application, you’ll need to send us the following documents if your super balance is more than $5,000:  

  1. A completed Hostplus Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) form. 
  2.  Certified copies of your passport.

The Hostplus DASP form provides details on how to do this.  


New Zealand residents

If you’re a New Zealander who’s been working in Australia and earning super, or an Aussie permanently moving to New Zealand, you can’t claim the DASP. However, current government agreements mean you may be able to transfer your super balance to a KiwiSaver account.

Tax and the DASP

You’ll need to pay tax on the taxable component of your DASP – but the amount of tax you pay will depend on which visa you held.

Working holiday makers

If you were in Australia on a Working Holiday visa, a Work and Holiday visa or an associated bridging visa, you’re considered a working holiday maker (WHM). You’ll be taxed at rate of 65% across the entire taxable component.

Other visa holders

If you aren’t considered a working holiday maker, you’ll be taxed at a rate of 35% for the taxed element of your super, and 45% for the untaxed element of your taxable component.1

1. The source for how DASP payments are taxed is here.