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The best thing we’ve ever done in planning our retirement is seeking the advice from Hostplus.

Comprehensive personal advice could help you get on track to a future full of positivity. 

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Recorded Webinars


We’re committed to providing you the confidence, guidance, and tools you need to identify and meet your financial goals. 

Mature men at home during pandemic isolation have conference  call

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recorded webinars

Navigating your super to retirement

Not sure what to do with your super leading up to retirement or what options are available to you? This webinar is a good place to start.

In this webinar, we cover options you should be thinking about leading up to and into retirement. Watch this webinar to learn about the different ways you could increase your super, how to access your super in retirement and the income sources you could get in retirement.

Transition to retirement

For members who have reached their preservation age, a Transition to Retirement (TTR) strategy may help make the transition from work to retirement a lot easier.  A TTR strategy is designed to give you time to prepare for life’s next milestone by providing access to your super before you retire.  Watch this webinar to understand if a TTR strategy is suitable for you.  We provide insights into tax-effective solutions for your income stream along with some detailed case studies and examples. 


One of the more confusing aspects of retirement is dealing with Centrelink and how they will assess what you are entitled to. 

Watch this webinar to understand the types of tests that Centrelink will apply to those who are eligible and how this will impact your entitlements.

Aged care

Aged care can be a daunting subject for a lot of us and unfortunately a lot of decisions around aged care are made after someone has an immediate need, which can cause emotional stress on those making the decisions. 

This webinar will guide you through the different types of care available, how they are assessed and how they can be paid for. We hope that after this webinar you will have a better understanding of aged care options and be better prepared when the time comes.

If you would like to speak with one of our financial advisers, please book an appointment with us today.