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The best thing we’ve ever done in planning our retirement is seeking the advice from Hostplus.

Comprehensive personal advice could help you get on track to a future full of positivity. 

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Join Hostplus

made simple

What is super?

Super is the money your employer (or you) sets aside over your working life to save for retirement. Super funds like Hostplus aim to grow and protect your balance by investing these contributions until you’re able to access the funds later in life.

How does super work?

Employers must also pay 11% on top of your salary or wages into your nominated super fund – this is what’s known as the government’s Superannuation Guarantee (SG). This amount, plus any additional contributions, along with any investment earnings, is invested within the fund for the purpose of growing your savings until you reach your retirement age (known as your preservation age).  

Why is super important?

Super gives you the opportunity to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Along with picking a high-performing fund with a low admin fee like Hostplus, regular contributions to your super add up over time, giving your future self a serious financial boost. In fact, it’s likely to be one of the biggest investments of your life. Make some simple changes to your super today which can contribute to a positive future. 


About Hostplus

We’re a super fund that works tirelessly towards our goal of providing our members the financial future they deserve. A future full of good stuff. A future full of positivity. That’s a plus. 

Why choose Hostplus?

One of the lowest admin fees out of any MySuper product

Top performance 
Our default Balanced (MySuper) option is ranked the number 1 option over rolling 10 and 20-year periods*

More control over your super 
15+ investment options  

Profits to members, not shareholders 
1.68 million members can’t be wrong 

Socially responsible investment strategy
Rated 4/5 stars

1. Source: SuperRatings fee data for public offer MySuper products extracted from SMART platform on 24 November 2023. Comparison is based on the total administration fees and costs assuming a $50k account balance. Other fees and costs apply. Refer to the PDS for more information.
*Source: SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60–76) Index, December 2023. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when seelcting a superannuation fund.
The Canstar Outstanding Value – Superannuation Award was received for the Industry Super and Personal Super products.

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Award-winning investment performance

You work hard for your money, and we strive to make your super work hard for you. We have consistently delivered significant returns to our members year on year – and our default Balanced (MySuper) option is ranked the number one option over rolling 10 and 20-year periods.2 Performance matters, and we’ve got the awards to prove it.  

2. Source: SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60–76) Index, December 2023. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

Save more with our low admin fee

We have one of the lowest admin fees out of any MySuper product.3 We know that every dollar our members save means more money invested for their retirement. We’re committed to keeping our fees as low as we possibly can, so you can have a future full of good stuff.  

3. Source: SuperRatings fee data for public offer MySuper products extracted from SMART platform on 24 November 2023. Comparison is based on the total administration fees and costs assuming a $50k account balance. Other fees and costs apply. Refer to the PDS for more information.


Learn about
how we invest

We’re a super fund that creates a positive impact for all Australians. Learn more about Hostplus’ investments. 

Responsible and ethical investment

Hostplus works towards a more sustainable world by investing in projects and technology that improve the lives of millions. Our Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) - Balanced option invests in renewable energy, healthcare and medical solutions and skips investments in fossil fuels or companies that breach human or labour rights.  

More choice, more control

Choosing the right investment option can help maximise your super and build the retirement you deserve. Explore our range of investment options to find one to suit your life stage and personal circumstances. Or gain more control over your super with our direct investment option, Choiceplus. 

Ready to join? Online applications only take five minutes.

Or call us on 1300 467 875 
8am – 8pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday. 

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Find the answers you need. Discover how super works, how to maximise your investment and much more.