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The best thing we’ve ever done in planning our retirement is seeking the advice from Hostplus.

Comprehensive personal advice could help you get on track to a future full of positivity. 

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Join Hostplus

Our performance


We’re a super fund working tirelessly to provide our members the financial future they deserve. Our strong investment performance has delivered award-winning returns* over the past 20 years. That’s a plus.

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* Awards and ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when choosing a super fund. 

Hostplus Balanced option a top performer over the long term

Source: SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60–76) Index, 30 April 2023. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future  performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

Brainstroming meeting in a small business office.

Understand our performance

Review some of our most popular options and dive into their year-on-year performance. 

More choice and more control over your super? That’s a plus.

Whether you’re about to start your first job or planning your retirement, everyone has different investment needs.

At Hostplus, you can choose from a broad range of award-winning investment options to find the one that best suits your needs and financial objectives. You can even mix and match your strategy to create your own custom investment portfolio.  


Ready to join? Online applications only take five minutes.

Or call us on 1300 467 875
8am – 8pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday. 

Strong performance maximises your net benefit

Strong returns
Above-average returns over the long term

A low admin fee 
One of the lowest admin fees out of any MySuper product 
More money in your account. 
Now that’s something to feel positive about. 

1. Source: SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60–76) Index, March 2023. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

2. Source: SuperRatings fee data for public offer MySuper products extracted from SMART platform on 11/04/2023. Comparison is based on the total administration fees and costs assuming a $50k account balance. Other fees and costs apply. Refer to the PDS for more information.

Financial advice is for everyone

Whether you’re taking the next step in your career, starting a family or approaching retirement, getting informed advice can make a big difference to your finances.

We offer a range of options to ensure you get the right level of advice to suit your changing needs:  

  • easy-to-use DIY digital advice^ through SuperAdviser,
  • over the phone, personalised superannuation advice, and 
  • consultation with a qualifiied Financial Planner for specialist retirement planning.  

^ Hostplus has engaged Link Advice Pty Ltd ABN 36 105 811 836, ASFL 258145 to facilitate the provision of limited personal financial advice to members of Hostplus via the web-based product Super Adviser.