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Sustainably feeding the world’s population

Sustainably feeding

Your super is helping to create food that’s not only healthy for you, but for the planet. 

Published September 2022

image of waiter holding two plates of burgers and chips
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3 min read
Updated 27 Feb 2023
  • Investment case studies

It’s projected that by 2050, our global population will reach 9.7 billion1, and our demand for food will increase by anywhere between 59% to 98%.2 But with animal agriculture being one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and biodiversity loss3, we’d need a second planet to keep producing meat at our current rates of consumption. So how can we produce more meat while caring for the one planet we have?

Founded in 2019, Australian company v2food has created a plant-based meat that has low CO2 emissions, is gentler on the land than animal agriculture, and uses less water.   

Their plant-based meat cooks and looks just like the real thing with a lot of the same nutrients, plus dietary fibre and no cholesterol.4 And, importantly, it also tastes like real meat, thanks to CSIRO technology. v2food’s range of products come from a company that’s working hard to keep their carbon footprint as small as possible.

v2food’s first major win was launching the Rebel Whopper burger in 2019 at over 400 Hungry Jack’s restaurants across Australia, as well as creating signature burgers at smaller restaurants and outlets. Since then, the company: 

  • has invested over $20 million in a processing facility in Wodonga 
  • expanded Plant-Based Whopper burgers to Burger King stores in New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand and Japan  
  • launched a range of signature products in supermarkets across Australia  
  • is now expanding into key Asian markets.  

Like us, v2food believes that better choices today will benefit our way of life now and tomorrow. We’re proud to have invested over $3 billion5 in projects and companies like v2food, whose innovative approach is already making a difference. These investments aim to deliver future retirement returns for our members, while also helping to protect our planet. That’s a plus. 

The information in this article is correct as at time of publication.

1. Source: 
2. Source: 
3. Source: 
4. Source: v2food 
5. Source: Hostplus, as at 30 June 2022