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The magic of compound interest

Published June 2023

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5 min read
Updated 11 Oct 2023
  • Super 101

Einstein (yes, Albert) called it the eighth wonder of the world. He said, “He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.” So, what is compound interest, and how can it help grow your super savings?

Over the course of your working life, your employer regularly puts a percentage of your income into your super account. These contributions are designed to slowly accumulate into a tidy nest egg for your retirement.  

At the same time, these savings are being invested on your behalf, with the aim of growing them through investment returns.  

As your super fund, it’s Hostplus’ responsibility to safeguard and optimise your retirement savings until you’re eligible to access them (or until you change funds). We do this by investing your money responsibly, in a range of different assets, aiming to achieve long-term growth and strong returns.   

Here’s where the magic happens

The magic at work behind the scenes is compound interest.  

As Hostplus Financial Planner Prabath Ekanayake explains in the video above, compound interest happens when any interest you earn is reinvested – meaning your interest earns interest.

When your super balance earns investment returns, or interest, this money gets added to your total super balance. It then has the potential to earn more returns in the future.

In this way, compound interest has the power to accelerate the growth of your savings over time.  

Compound interest in action

As an example, imagine you invested $10,000 in a savings account earning 5% annual interest. In a year, your savings would have grown to $10,500. In the second year, assuming you haven’t withdrawn any of that money, you’d earn 5% interest on $10,500, giving you a total balance of $11,025. Over the course of 40 years, your original $10,000 could grow to more than $70,000 – without you even needing to add any further money.1

Compound interest on $10,000

1. Source: ASIC’s MoneySmart Compound Interest. Initial deposit of $10,000, with no further contributions made over 40 years. Assumes a 5% annual interest rate. This is a model, not a prediction, and actual amounts may be higher or lower. 

The magic of compound interest means that even the smallest deposit can make a huge difference to your savings over time. 

What this means for your super

Here’s an example of how compound interest can work in super. The chart below shows the potential compound interest a 20-year-old earning an average salary could earn throughout their working life. You can see here that by age 46, the interest earned becomes even greater than annual deposits.

Compound interest over a working life2

2. Source: ASIC’s MoneySmart Compound Interest Calculator. Assumes deposits based on currently legislated SG rates commencing 1 July 2023, deposited monthly from age 20 to retirement at age 65, and on the median weekly Australian salary of $1,250 as of August 2022, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, earning a 5% annual interest rate. This is a model, not a prediction, and actual amounts may be higher or lower. 

Of course, investment returns will go up and down over time, so we’ve used a 5% return here purely as an illustration. This scenario also assumes your salary doesn’t change at all between age 20 to 65, which is unlikely to be the case. So in reality, you could end up with even more in your pocket come retirement. 

How you can take advantage of compound interest

Compound interest is the secret to unlocking long-term investment growth. Use it wisely, and eventually your investment returns could start outgrowing your deposits.  

Here are a few ways you can make the most of it. 

  1. Keep track of your contributions throughout your working life  
    Log in to Member Online and the Hostplus app regularly to make sure your contributions are being paid correctly, and to check your investment returns. Read more

  2. Find a super fund that combines low fees with strong long-term performance 
    In combination, fees and investment returns can have a big impact on your total retirement savings (this is what’s known as your net benefit). Hostplus is proud to offer our members a low admin feeand a history of strong long-term performance4 – meaning more super for you. Read more
  3. Review your investment options regularly  
    If you want to maximise your potential investment earnings, you should make sure you’re invested in the option that best suits your investment style. Hostplus offers members a broad range of investment options to suit your needs. Read more
  4. Make extra contributions 
    If you can afford to, making additional contributions (on top of your employer contributions) can have an outsized impact on your retirement balance – especially if you start contributing early. Read more
  5. Give it time 
    Compound interest works best when it has time to work its magic. That’s why it’s important to focus on your long-term super returns. Hostplus has developed a long-term investment strategy that gives us the flexibility to invest in a diverse range of areas and assets with long investment time frames. Read more 

Want to learn more? Check out some of our other articles on getting the best out of your super account.

3. Other fees and costs apply. Refer to the PDS for more information.

4. Hostplus’ Balanced option is ranked number one versus peers over 10 and 20 years. Source: SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60–76) Index, May 2023. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.