Board of Directors

Board of 

The activities of Hostplus are managed by our Trustee Board of Directors with David Elia as Chief Executive Officer.

The Board of Directors is equally represented by employer (nominated by the Australian Hotels Association (AHA)) and employee (nominated by United Workers Union) organisations. There are also three independent directors jointly selected by the AHA and United Workers Union. 


Board Structure

We believe that our management structure and member-centric philosophy provides confidence to our employers and members that the right decisions will be made for the best reasons with the best interests of our members at their core.


Trust Deed

The Board of Directors represent our members in accordance with the Hostplus Trust Deed and superannuation law.  The Board of Directors also ensure that all Hostplus activities meet the Federal Government requirements for the fair and safe operation of the fund.


Chief Executive Officer

David Elia

David is one of Australia’s most experienced and recognised business leaders.

His wide ranging experience includes senior roles in superannuation, finance, marketing, corporate and fund governance, taxation, risk management, audit, corporate/strategic planning and implementation.