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What it means to be an industry super fund

What it means 

Published November 2022

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2 min read
Updated 17 Jul 2023
  • Super 101

Our purpose at Hostplus is simple: To put more money into members' pockets when they retire.

Hostplus is a proud Industry SuperFund

Importantly, as an Industry SuperFund we’re run only to benefit our members. Unlike bank-owned and other retail funds, we don’t pay profits to shareholders. And other than the cost of running the Fund, all our profits are owned by and benefit our members, principally delivered through our net investment returns to members’ accounts.

Strong long-term returns

With super, long-term performance matters. Our default Balanced (MySuper) option ranks as the number one balanced option over rolling 10 and 20-year periods.1

How your super fund performs over the long term will make a big difference to your retirement. It comes down to your net benefit - the amount you actually receive after admin fees, investment fees and taxes have been deducted from the money your investment earns. Put simply, the higher the net benefit, the more money members will have at retirement.

According to SuperRatings, based on a starting income of $50,000 and a starting super balance of $50,000, a Hostplus member in our default Balanced (MySuper) option is $22,589 better off than the average not-for-profit member over the past 15 years. And, is $29,100 better off when looking at the average of all other default super fund members over the same period.²

So, your future is in good hands with Hostplus. That's a plus.

The net benefit for industry super fund members

Want to learn more?

Find out more about Hostplus’ fees and costs and competitive long-term returns. It’s easy to join and you can transfer your existing super balance too.

The information in this article is correct as at time of publication.

1. Source: SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey SR50 Balanced (60-76) index as at May 2023.

2. Source: SuperRatings Net Benefit modelling for 31/03/2023 according to data extracted on 27/4/2023. This analysis compares the average differences in net benefit of Hostplus’ Balanced (MySuper) investment option and the main balanced options of retail and not-for-profit funds tracked by SuperRatings. It assumes employer contributions on a starting annual salary of $50,000 and a $50,000 starting balance and takes into account historical investment earnings (after  administration and investment fees and taxes). Fees deducted from the Fund’s administration reserve, contribution fees, additional adviser fees or any other fees charged are excluded from this model. Outcomes may vary between individual funds. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a fund. Visit for more details about modelling calculations and assumptions.