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How to understand which investment option is right for your super

How to understand

Published February 2022

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Bahar Mcleod
Financial Planner
8 min read
Updated 01 Mar 2023
  • Super 101

Around two thirds of working Australians haven’t actively chosen where their super is invested¹, so their money is put into their fund’s default investment option. This is often a diversified balanced option, with a medium-to-high level of risk.

For many people, a balanced option may be best, as these are typically designed to try and maximise returns without taking on too high a level of risk.

But did you know that Hostplus offers a range of other investment options that will invest your money in different ways?

The decisions you make now can make a big difference to how your super grows, so taking the time to check that your super is invested in line with your personal financial objectives is an important step you can take.

The good news is, once you understand the basics of how your fund’s investment options work, it’s a lot easier to choose an option that’s right for you.

Here are three tips to get you started.

1. Know your risk appetite

Investment options are normally categorised as either low, medium or high risk. This is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing an option, because with investments, risk and returns are related.

In general, the lower an investment’s risk – or likelihood of losses – the lower the expected return, and vice versa. If you’re comfortable with the possibility of fluctuating, or potentially negative, returns in the short term, you may prefer a higher-risk investment option, as it has the potential to deliver higher returns over the long term.

Learn about your risk appetite here

2. Understand the different asset classes

The next thing to consider is the types, or classes, of assets an investment option invests in. For example, common asset classes include cash, fixed interest, credit, equity (shares), property, infrastructure and alternatives.

Each asset class has its own level of risk and expected return. Generally, cash and fixed interest are low risk/return, while shares are higher risk/return.

One way to get a good spread across different asset classes is to consider investing in a pre-mixed (or diversified) option. Most funds offer a balanced option, which is a good example. These balanced options will have a certain amount of growth and defensive assets in them. Other pre-mixed options, such as high growth or conservative options, offer a higher allocation to shares or to cash and fixed interest, respectively.

At Hostplus, we also offer options that invest entirely in one type of asset class, called 'single sector' options.

For instance, you might be a long way from retirement and have a higher risk appetite, so you may prefer to invest just in shares. Or, if you’re closer to retirement, or generally more risk-averse, a cash or fixed interest option may appeal more to you.

You might even choose to select multiple single-sector options and pick how much you want to invest in each, effectively creating your own mixed option.

3. Consider the ethical options

Many super providers, including Hostplus, also offer investment options with an emphasis on ethical investing. These are often labelled as SRI (socially responsible investing) or ESG (environmental, social and governance) options.

These investment options typically avoid certain types of investments – like fossil fuel companies or weapons manufacturers – and/or seek to invest in areas considered to make a positive impact, like green energy projects. Sometimes they focus on one specific issue, such as climate change.

If you’re considering specifically themed options as part of your investment choices, such as an SRI option, it pays to seek out more detailed information from your fund to understand the investment approaches taken by these options.

Ready to make a choice?

As a Hostplus member, you can switch between investment options at any time by simply logging in to Member Online.

Or, if you’re unsure, you can speak to one of our financial planners. They can help you determine your personal risk profile, check your insurance cover and other objectives, and help you select the investment option(s) that are right for you. They may also provide financial advice on issues outside of superannuation.

Call 1300 467 875 (or 1300 348 546 for pension members) to speak to a Hostplus financial planner today.

Your future self will thank you for it.

The information in this article is correct as at time of publication.

1. Australian Government Productivity Commission, May 2017:

Issued by Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund (the Fund) ABN 68 657 495 890, MySuper No 68 657 495 890 198.

This information is general advice only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider if this information is appropriate for you in light of your circumstances before acting on it. Please read the relevant Hostplus Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), available at before making a decision about Hostplus. For a description of the target market, please read the Target Market Determination (TMD), available at​​​​​​

Hostplus has engaged Industry Fund Services Limited (IFS) ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514 to facilitate the provision of personal financial advice to members of Hostplus. Advice is provided by financial planners who are Authorised Representatives of IFS. Fees may apply. Further information about the cost of advice is set out in the relevant IFS Financial Services Guide, a copy of which is available from your financial planner.

Hostplus Superannuation Advice Consultants are Authorised Representatives of Link Advice Pty Ltd ABN 36 105 811 836, ASFL258145 and facilitate the provision of limited personal advice about Hostplus products to Hostplus members through Super Adviser. To obtain a Link Advice Financial Services Guide please visit Link Advice is responsible for any advice obtained through Super Adviser.