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Salary sacrifice


Salary sacrifice is an easy way to give your super a big boost and help it grow, faster.


What is

Salary sacrifice?


Put simply: get more super and reduce your assessable income

The old saying goes: “You don’t miss what you don’t have.” The same can be said of the salary sacrifice solution.

While a personal contribution is adding extra to super from your take-home pay, salary sacrifice is a way to top up your super from your before-tax salary without the painful deduction from your bank account every month. Instead, this extra contribution is taken from your pay and put into your super.

Pre-tax salary sacrifice = more money for your retirement

Setting up a salary sacrifice scheme with your employer means your salary sacrifice contribution is paid out of your pre-tax salary directly into your super account. This means your taxable income is lowered, and the amounts sacrificed are not subject to pay as you go (PAYG) withholding tax, but instead will be taxed by your super fund.1 This is generally lower than most people's personal tax rate which can be as high as 47%.2  

Contributions caps apply.


Out of sight, out of mind

Using a salary sacrifice scheme with your employer means you don’t feel the pinch on your pocket when the money is taken out of your pay. 

Please note that salary sacrifice superannuation contributions are classified as employer concessional contributions. Some employers may not offer salary sacrifice. Before making any decision you should consider concessional contribution limits and seek advice from a licensed financial tax adviser.

1. Contributions are generally taxed at a rate of 15%. An additional tax will be payable on superannuation contributions for high income earners with an adjusted taxable income of $250,000 or more.
2. Includes 2% Medicare Levy.


Is salary sacrificing right for you?

Are you considering salary sacrifice or personal contributions? It is important to understand if salary sacrificing could provide you with tax benefits, or if you’re better off topping up your super via personal contributions. Our online Super Adviser tool can help you compare the benefits of each option, at no additional cost to you.

For more details about contribution caps and types, please read our Member Guide.

Our dedicated licensed Industry Fund Financial Planning  ABN 54 007 016 195, AFSL 232514 financial advisers can also help you decide the best way for you to add extra to your super to maximise your benefits.


Set up salary

sacrifice today

It’s easy. Download our Salary Sacrifice brochure and chat with your employer today about setting up a salary sacrifice arrangement.