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Take control of your investments with Choiceplus, the option designed for people who want to take a more active role in investing and managing their super or pension. 

Young professionals having a discussion in a modern office. Two happy young businesspeople smiling while walking together in a hallway. Cheerful colleagues collaborating on a new project.

More choice

more control 

In pursuit of professional fulfilment

What is Choiceplus?

Choiceplus is an investment option that puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to managing your super or pension. You can invest directly in Australian shares on the S&P/ASX 300 Index, selected exchange traded funds (ETFs), listed investment companies (LICs) or term deposits – you make the decision. What’s more, you can invest in Choiceplus while maintaining your investments in other Hostplus options.  

Interested in self-managed super funds (SMSFs)? Choiceplus gives you many benefits of an SMSF without the high costs and administrative burden associated with an SMSF. Importantly, you remain invested in an Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) –regulated super fund. 

Business tools

How does it work?

You’ll need to create a Choiceplus transaction account, and transfer money from your other Hostplus investment options into the account. How much money you transfer is up to you, but you’ll need a minimum of $200 in your Choiceplus account at all times. Find more information about who can invest in Choiceplus, below.  

Once the money is in your account, you can start trading on the Choiceplus online investment platform. You’ll be able to access extensive market information, updates and news to help you research, transact and monitor investments. You’ll be responsible for your investment strategy and will make your own decisions and trades.  


Streamlined investing

With one easy-to-use online investment platform and a central transaction account that’s connected to your existing Hostplus account, Choiceplus can help streamline your investing activities. Thanks to 24/7 access to your investment performance, and consolidated portfolio and tax reporting (see the Choiceplus Product Guide), we can help you feel on top of your admin as well. 

Informed decision-making

The Choiceplus investment platform provides comprehensive company and market information, research, the latest news and access to the end-of-the-day market wrap-up, giving you detailed information that can help you research and monitor your investments. 

Real-time investments

The Choiceplus platform allows you to make investments in real time, with live share quotes, 20-minute delayed market data, and investment tools like watchlists and charting mean that you can make informed decisions when the time is right.  


Who is Choiceplus suitable for?

Choiceplus may be suitable for members with the knowledge and confidence to take an active role in managing their super or pension. 

Who can invest in Choiceplus? 

Specifically, to be able to invest in Choiceplus, you must:

  • be a Hostplus member with more than $10,000 in your account
  • have access to the internet, a current email address and be registered for Pension Online
  • read and accept the terms and conditions during the registration process 
  • maintain a minimum balance of $2,000 in one or more of your Hostplus pre-mixed or sector investment options1
  • transfer and maintain at least $200 into your Choiceplus transaction account from your other Hostplus investment options 
  • make an initial Choiceplus investment of at least $200. 

Choiceplus isn’t available in Hostplus Transition to Retirement (TTR) accounts. 

1. If you’re a Hostplus Pension member, the minimum balance may be higher than $2,000, depending on your annual pension payment requirements. 


Get the right advice

Not everyone has the skills and knowledge to directly manage their investments. We strongly recommend that you get advice from a licensed financial planner before investing in the Choiceplus investment option, so you can have peace of mind that your investment strategy matches your investment time frame and risk tolerance. 

Head to Pension Online to choose the investment option that’s right for you.

and costs  

In addition to your Hostplus administration and investment fees and costs, Choiceplus includes a competitive administration fee of $168 a year (approximately $14 per month, deducted from your transaction account). These costs are indicative only and are estimated based on information from the previous financial year. The costs payable in respect of each future year may be higher or lower.

 Choiceplus investment option  
 Accumulation members Pension members 
Administration fees and costs 

$78 p.a. (deducted from your Hostplus account) plus 0.0165% of your super account balance per year (trustee fee*). 

Plus $32.24 per annum (deducted from the Fund’s Administration Reserve) 

$234 p.a. (deducted from the Fund’s Administration Reserve throughout the year (and not from your account)) plus 0.0165% of pension account balance per year (trustee fee*).

Plus $49.22 per annum. Deducted from the Fund’s Administration Reserve throughout the year (and not from your account).


Portfolio administration fee 

$168 p.a. (approximately $14 per month deducted from your transaction account). 


Brokerage fees when you buy or sell shares, ETFs and LICs 

Fees are scaled based on the transaction amount:  

$0 to $13,000 transaction: $13.00  

$13,000.01 to $250,000 transaction: 0.10% of trade value. 


Management fees for ETFs and LICs 

You may be charged management fees for ETFs and LICs. Please refer to the relevant disclosure documents for those products.  


Transaction account fee

Your transaction account within Choiceplus is subject to a fee of 0.10% of your transaction account balance. This fee is not separately deducted from your account balance. It is deducted daily from gross interest earnings before net interest returns are applied to your transaction account. 

* For further information about the trustee fee go to section 6 of the Member Guide at

How and when paid: calculated daily and deducted monthly from your Choiceplus cash account

Get ready for a positive future with a Hostplus retirement account

It takes about 20 minutes to apply for a Hostplus retirement account online, or you can call us on 1300 348 546 to discuss your options.

Want to learn

more about Choiceplus?

Here’s some additional information about Choiceplus to help you make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you. For more information, see the Choiceplus Product Guide


To start investing in Choiceplus, you must first have your online super or pension account activated. Visit Member Online to activate your online account.

While in your online account, you can register for Choiceplus by clicking on ‘Investments’ and then ‘Choiceplus’. You’ll then be able to select your level of access: 

  • Limited access: Features include access to market data and research, watchlists and alerts. 
  • Full access: Additional features include functionality to trade shares, ETFs and LICs, purchase term deposits and maintain a cash account. You can change between access levels at any time. 

Once you’ve registered for Choiceplus you’ll be asked to transfer funds into your transaction account from your current Hostplus investment options and invest at least $200.  

Like any investment, Choiceplus carries its own level of investment and market risk. When choosing to invest, you should be aware of the risks involved and be comfortable with the strategy you’re putting in place. Here are a few considerations for you to think through before investing in Choiceplus: 

  • Level of diversification (concentration risk). Diversification means spreading your investments across different types of assets. By pooling your money into one type of investment, you could suffer from concentration risk – that is the risk of having your money tied up in too few assets as opposed to spreading it across a range of investment types.
  •  Short-term price volatility (volatility risk). This refers to uncertainty about the size and frequency of changes in the value of your investments. 
  • The consequences of trading too often (frequency risk). When you buy and sell shares, each trade incurs – at the very least – a brokerage fee. If you are continually buying and selling your shares, think about the costs involved and whether you are investing or speculating and if this is the right strategy for you.
  • Investing based upon your feelings (emotional risk). Chasing the market and emotionally buying or selling shares may not assist you in achieving your long-term financial and investment goals. If you are continually concerned or wanting to change your mind then perhaps reconsider. 

The following requirements apply to investing in Choiceplus: 

  • You need a minimum balance of $10,000 to be eligible to invest in Choiceplus. 
  • You need to keep at least $2,000 invested in your other Hostplus investment options at all times. If you’re a Hostplus Pension member, you may need to keep more than this in your other investment options, depending on the minimum annual pension payment that Hostplus must pay you throughout the year. This is known as the income payment reserve (IPR). 
  • You need to make an initial Choiceplus investment of at least $200.
  • You need to maintain at least $200 in your Choiceplus transaction account and, in addition, must also have enough money in your transaction account to make your investments.

As long as these requirements are fulfilled, you can invest as much of your remaining Hostplus account balance in Choiceplus as you’d like. However, the following restrictions apply: 

  • You can invest as much of your account balance in term deposits as you’d like, up to a maximum of $5 million in a single deposit. The minimum amount you can invest in a term deposit is $1,000.
  • You can invest up to 80% of your account balance in S&P/ASX300 shares, ETFs and LICs.
  • You can invest a maximum of 20% of your account balance in a single stock.
  • You can invest a maximum of 20% or 50% of your account balance in a single ETF or LIC. For details of the applicable limits, refer to the list of ETFs and LICs.
  • The minimum buy order you can place for shares, ETFs and LICs is $1,500. 
  • The maximum amount that can be invested per security trade purchase is $250,000. 
  • You cannot buy and sell the same share, ETF or LIC on the same day. 
  • Stop losses and stop gains are not available.

You cannot automatically direct future contributions into Choiceplus. However, you can make a transfer request. This allows you to transfer funds from other Hostplus investment options into your Choiceplus transaction account at any time. 

  • Cost: Choiceplus offers many of the advantages of an SMSF, but without the high costs and administrative burden associated with an SMSF. 
  • Paperwork: SMSF members usually must also become trustees of their fund. The trustees are responsible for meeting the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) regulations and requirements, which can be quite complex, time-consuming and onerous. With Choiceplus, Hostplus is the trustee and takes care of administration, compliance and reporting requirements – so you don’t have to.
  • Investments: Choiceplus allows you to tailor your investment strategy by selecting your own investments from S&P/ASX 300 Index shares, ETFs, LICs and term deposits. However, unlike SMSFs, Choiceplus does not allow investment in direct property or other assets, such as collectibles.
  • Protection: You also continue to be invested in an APRA–regulated super fund, with all the prudential protections that this provides. An SMSF does not offer the same protections. 

your transaction account 

Your transaction account is the hub of your Choiceplus investment option. It operates like an online bank account, and you can use it to buy shares, ETFs, LICs and term deposits, or to transfer money into or out of your other Hostplus investment options.  

You must hold a minimum of $200 in your Choiceplus transaction account at all times. You’ll also need to ensure you have enough money available in your transaction account to invest. 

Funds in your transaction account are invested in a Hostplus cash account with ME Bank. ME Bank is 100% Australian-owned and is an APRA–regulated bank. 

The balance of your transaction account consists of the following four components. 

Balance type Description Example balance 
Actual cash The physical cash that is currently in your account. This is the amount that interest is calculated on daily. $190,000 
Accrued interest (net of tax) The accrued interest for the current month (less an allowance for tax) that is yet to be paid into your account. $40 
Income due but not received (IDBNR) Known income from dividends or distributions that is yet to be received into your account. $60 
Unsettled trades This includes the proceeds of completed sales and funds for completed purchases that have yet to be settled. $10,000 
Total cash  $200,100 

In addition, cash in your transaction account is categorised as ‘available cash’ and ‘reserved cash’.  

Available cash is the amount of cash in your transaction account that’s available to invest. Reserved cash is made up of: 

  • the transaction account minimum balance of $200 
  • share purchase requests that are yet to be completed on the market 
  • term deposit investments that are yet to be placed with the issuer 
  • cash transfers out that have not yet been debited to your transaction account 
  • any outstanding capital gains tax (CGT) that’s due to be debited at the end of the quarter.  

Using the example balances in the above table, your available cash would be calculated as follows: 

 Balance type Example balance 
Total cash $200,100 
Accrued interest (net of tax) -$40 
Income due but not received (IDBNR) -$60 
Reserved cash -$5,000 
Available cash $195,000 

Cash transfer requests that have been received before 4pm AEST will be available two business days later. 

 You must maintain at least $200 at all times in your transaction account. The platform will automatically manage this minimum from any interest or dividend income you receive, or from the proceeds of any share, ETF or LIC transaction. 

If, however, your account does fall below $200, we’ll contact you to top up your account. If you haven’t topped up your account after 30 days and you hold any shares, ETFs, LICs or term deposits, we’ll attempt to contact you again. If you do not take any action to bring your transaction account up to at least $200, we’ll take the following steps to bring your minimum balance up to $200 by 12pm of the last business day of the following week.  

The steps, in order, we’ll take are as follows: 

  1. We’ll transfer $200 from your other Hostplus investment options if the balance in the other investment options is above $2,200. If you have a pension account, the amount you have in your other Hostplus investment options may need to be more than $2,200 to ensure your pension payments are covered; this is known as the income payment reserve. 
  2. If you have less than $2,200 – or, if you’re a Hostplus Pension member and you have less than the income payment reserve – we’ll sell $200 worth of shares from your highest market value share, ETF or LIC holdings. You’ll be responsible for the brokerage fees and any capital gains tax (CGT) that may be due. This transaction will take place between 2pm and 4pm on the business day after the notice has expired and will be placed at market value. Hostplus will not have any regard to the market price of the share, ETF or LIC when this transaction takes place. 
  3. We’ll redeem term deposits with the earliest maturity date. Penalties will apply. 

The interest rate payable on your transaction account balance is subject to change and the current applicable rate is available on the Choiceplus platform. As at 1 April 2023, the interest rate payable is 4.40%. Interest on your transaction account is accrued daily and is credited to your account monthly. It’s credited in arrears and net of any applicable tax.

Investing in
term deposits 

Choiceplus offers a selection of three-month, six-month and 12-month term deposits from ME Bank. 

There are no fees when you place a term deposit order. 

Provided you keep a minimum balance of $2,000 invested in one or more of Hostplus’ other investment options and $200 in your Choiceplus transaction account, you can invest as much of your remaining Hostplus account balance in term deposits as you like (up to a maximum of $5 million). 

The minimum amount you can invest in a term deposit is $1,000. The maximum amount you can invest in a single term deposit is $5 million. 

Your interest will be credited to your transaction account at the date of maturity. 

Investments in term deposits are placed on a Friday (or the next business day if the Friday falls on a public holiday). You can request investment in a term deposit at any point during the week before 11.59pm AEST/AEDT on a Thursday. If your request is received after this time, it will take effect from the following Friday.  

If you want to cancel a term deposit, you have until 11.59pm AEST/AEDT on the Thursday after you place the term deposit order to cancel your request without incurring any penalties.

Applications to redeem a term deposit before it matures will only be granted in limited circumstances. These are:

  • payment of Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance benefit
  • payment of a terminal illness benefit 
  • payment of a death benefit
  • payment under financial hardship grounds
  • payment under compassionate grounds, or under the order of a court of a relevant government agency (i.e. ATO, Attorneys General, APRA or ASIC). 

If you meet one of the above criteria and you or your beneficiaries redeem your term deposit before the maturity date, the interest rate will be reduced as follows:

  • If the term deposit has been invested for 0 to 50% of the total term, the interest rate will be reduced by 50%. 
  • If the term deposit has been invested for more than 50% of the total term, the interest rate will be reduced by 20%. 


Choiceplus allows you to specify reinvestment preferences on a term deposit at the time you place the initial order, or at any time during the term up to two days before the day of maturity. 

The reinvestment options are:

  • reinvest the principal only, or the principal plus net interest 
  • purchase a term based on the same term and same provider as the maturing term deposit, or based on the same term and best rate 
  • reinvest only, or reinvest using these preferences until cancelled.  

On the day of maturity, the principal plus net interest will be deposited into your transaction account and a new order will be created based on your reinvestment preferences. 

The term deposits available through Choiceplus are not covered by the Financial Claims Scheme guarantee, as they are not held in separate trust for each individual member. 

The Financial Claims Scheme only applies to super fund members if the trustee holds bank deposits with an approved authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI) on separate trust, which it treats as different ‘account holders’. Hostplus pools together all the term deposits placed each week for each term deposit issuer to minimise the cost to members.  

Investing in

You can invest in any shares included in the S&P/ASX 300 Index.  
The S&P/ASX 300 Index incorporates the largest 300 companies on the Australian Stock Exchange (by market capitalisation). Through the S&P/ASX 300 Index you can invest directly in well-known Australian companies and some less well-known or niche companies over a range of industries.  

You can invest up to 80% of your Hostplus account balance in ETFs, shares, and LICs, and a maximum of 20% of your account balance in a single share.

If your holding reaches above 20% for a single share or 80% of your total balance in shares, ETFs, and LICs, you will not be required to liquidate any position to keep within these rules. However, you may not be able to purchase other shares, ETFs, or LICs until your holding is below 80% of your total account balance.

If your holding exceeds 20% for a single share (i.e., due to market movement), you will not be restricted from purchasing additional securities as long as your total balance in shares, ETFs, and LICs does not exceed 80%. However, you will be restricted in purchasing any additional shares in the company that is in excess of the investment limit.

The minimum buy order you can place for shares is $1,500. You cannot buy and sell the same share on the same day.

The following rules apply to shareholder actions: 

  • Corporate actions: A corporate action is an action taken by a publicly listed company relating to its securities. Examples include mergers, rights issues, bonus issues and capital returns. As a shareholder, you’ll receive a communication detailing any corporate actions that may impact on your portfolio and whether you can elect to participate.
  • Rights issues: A rights issue is a privilege granted to shareholders to buy new shares in the same company. Choiceplus allows members to participate in rights issues.
  • Share purchase plan (SPP): An SPP is an offer to existing shareholders to purchase more shares within the company without brokerage fees; there is no legal requirement for disclosure documents. Choiceplus does not allow members to participate in SPPs.  
  • Class actions: A class action is a legal proceeding that involves a group of people who have a claim against the same company. Hostplus does not allow you to use your Choiceplus shareholdings to join class actions against any ASX-listed company. 

You cannot currently transfer shares you already personally own into your Choiceplus account. 

When you place your buy order, you can select whether you want your order to be valid for the day or for 30 days. This is called the ‘expiration period’. 

If you choose ‘good for the day’, Hostplus will attempt to execute your order on the day the order was requested. If all, or part, of your order is unable to be executed on that day, your order (or part of your order) will expire.  

If you choose ‘good for 30 days’, Hostplus will attempt to execute your order within 30 calendar days from the date of your order request. If all, or part of, your order is unable to be executed within that period, your order (or part of your order) will expire.  

For all limit and market orders which are not fully executed in the same trading day, normal brokerage will be charged for the total portion executed each day. 

Yes, you can cancel or change trades that have not been fully executed. 

Investing in
exchange traded funds (ETFs) 

An ETF will generally hold similar securities and weightings to the index, so it can closely replicate its performance. Market participants tend to ensure ETFs trade at prices that are closely aligned to the net asset value of the underlying securities in the portfolio.

Similar to share trading, ETFs can be bought and sold at any time during the trading day. 

You can choose from a selection of Australian and international ETFs.

The ETFs on Choiceplus have been selected by Hostplus based on recommendations from Lonsec, a specialist investment research house and the leading provider of quality managed fund and ETF research in the Australian market.  The minimum buy order you can place for shares is $1,500, including brokerage. You cannot buy and sell the same share on the same day. 

You can invest up to 80% of your Hostplus account balance in ETFs, shares, and LICs, and a maximum of 20% or 50% of your account balance in a single ETF. Refer to the list of ETFs for the applicable limits for each ETF. 

If your holding reaches above the applicable investment limit of 20% or 50% for a single ETF, or 80% of your total balance in shares, ETFs, and LICs, you will not be required to liquidate any position to keep within these rules. However, you may not be able to purchase other shares, ETFs, or LICs until your holding is below 80% of your total account balance.

If your holding exceeds the applicable investment limit of 20% or 50% for a single ETF (i.e., due to market movement), you will not be restricted from purchasing additional securities as long as your total balance in shares, ETFs, and LICs does not exceed 80%. However, you will be restricted in purchasing any additional units in the ETF that is in excess of the investment limit.

The minimum buy order you can place for ETF is $1,500. You cannot buy and sell the same ETF on the same day.

Yes, you can cancel or change trades that have not been fully executed. 

Investing in
listed investment companies (LICs) 

LICs are listed managed investments that are traded like shares. They enable an investor to invest in a diverse and professionally managed portfolio of assets, which can include shares, property and interest-bearing deposits.

Like shares, LICs can be bought and sold at any time during the trading day. 

You can invest in a range of LICs. The LICs offered on Choiceplus have been selected by Hostplus based on recommendations from specialist investment research.

You can invest up to 80% of your Hostplus account balance in ETFs, shares, and LICs, and a maximum of 20% or 50% of your account balance in a single LIC. Refer to the list of LICs for the applicable limits for each LIC. 

If your holding reaches above the applicable investment limit of 20% or 50% for a single LIC, or 80% of your total balance in shares, ETFs, and LICs, you will not be required to liquidate any position to keep within these rules. However, you may not be able to purchase other shares, ETFs, or LICs until your holding is below 80% of your total account balance.

If your holding exceeds the applicable investment limit of 20% or 50% for a single LIC (i.e., due to market movement), you will not be restricted from purchasing additional securities as long as your total balance in shares, ETFs, and LICs does not exceed 80%. However, you will be restricted in purchasing any additional units in the LIC that is in excess of the investment limit.

The minimum buy order you can place for LIC is $1,500. You cannot buy and sell the same LIC on the same day.

Yes, you can cancel or change LIC orders that have not been fully executed. 

and tax 

Your dividends will be automatically paid into your transaction account as cash.   

Alternatively, you can participate in a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) if it is offered by the issuing company. This means that your dividends are automatically reinvested to buy more shares. Note, however, that not all companies offer dividend reinvestment. If you’ve applied a default DRP preference to your account and this is not offered by an individual company, the dividend will be paid as cash into your transaction account.  

The Choiceplus investment option can carry capital losses forward, which may provide you with tax benefits. A capital loss occurs when an asset loses value in between buying and selling it. Although capital gains must be realised and taxed each year, capital losses can be carried forward to be offset against future gains.  

Choiceplus allows you to carry forward any realised capital losses in relation to the sale of shares, EFTs and LICs to be offset against future gains. These are included in the calculation of the current year’s net capital gain (or loss) calculations. 

Different investments are taxed differently:

  • Transaction account: Your transaction account is an interest-bearing investment. Tax is payable on income from interest on an accruals basis (i.e. daily as interest is earned). As with Hostplus’ other investment options, the interest credited to your transaction account balance will be net of any applicable tax, meaning that an allowance for tax has already been made. 
  • Term deposits: Like your transaction account, term deposits are also interest-bearing investments. Tax is payable on term deposit income at the time it is received, and will be withheld when the interest is paid into your transaction account. 
  • Shares, ETFs and LICs: Tax is payable on dividend income at the time it is received, and will be withheld when the dividend is paid into your transaction account. In the case of Dividend Reinvestment Plans, tax will be deducted from your transaction account when any applicable shares are allotted to your portfolio. 
  • Trust distributions: Some securities in the S&P/ASX 300 Index are trusts and pay trust distributions rather than dividends. Tax is payable on trust distributions on a present entitlement basis, and will be withheld when the distribution is received in your account. Where estimated trust components are received, tax will be applied to the taxable components. Where no estimates are provided, tax will be applied to the total distribution received. When final distribution trust components are received, a true-up calculation will be performed. This is a calculation and adjustment of your final tax liability that is effective from 31 December for the previous tax year. 

In addition, you may be required to pay capital gains tax (CGT). Capital gains (or losses) refer to the difference in the value of an asset when you buy and sell it. Your CGT is determined by adding the total of all your capital gains for the year then deducting your total capital losses, including any net realised capital losses that have been carried forward from the previous year.  

The tax rate on income in a superannuation fund is 15%, so capital gains on investments within your super (e.g. direct shares, ETFs and LICs) are taxed at 15% for assets that have been held for 365 days or less. There’s a one-third discount on CGT for assets that have been held for over 365 days, which means that any gains will be taxed at 10%. Pension accounts pay income tax at 0%, so capital gains are not taxed. 

Hostplus will calculate the net CGT liability daily, using a year-to-date position. This will accrue within your portfolio valuation. A physical deduction or refund for CGT will be made each quarter, and will occur within seven days of the following dates: 

  • 30 September 
  • 31 December 
  • 31 March 
  • 30 June. 

The quarterly CGT provision will take into account any gains or losses since the previous period and will recalculate the financial-year-to-date CGT asset or liability. This may result in a credit or debit to your transaction account.  

Hostplus will also calculate any unrealised CGT liability or benefit daily, which will be included in your portfolio valuation. This calculation will include any unutilised realised capital losses. 

Shares can provide tax benefits to shareholders in the form of franking credits, which are also known as imputation credits. Franking credits are attached to dividends and apply to the amount of tax a company has paid on its profits. Australian companies pay tax at a rate of 30%, which is the maximum franking credit investors can receive. 

Super funds pay a maximum tax rate of 15% on income from investments, although pension accounts are not subject to tax. Any dividends that have been taxed at a rate higher than 15% will return a franking credit to you. The franking credit is equivalent to the difference between the superannuation fund tax rate and the tax rate paid by the company.   

Franking credits are credited back to your account and can help to improve net investment returns. They’ll either be added to your transaction account or reinvested, if you have selected that option.  

The following examples show how franked dividends can provide a tax benefit. 

Example 1: An unfranked dividend of $70

  1. Calculate income: 
  • Unfranked dividend income: $70 
  • Total dividend income: $70 
  • Taxable income: $70 
  1. Multiply taxable income by 15% to calculate tax withheld:  
  • Tax withheld/refund received: $10.50 

  1. Deduct tax withheld from total dividend income to calculate net dividend income: 
  • Net dividend income: $59.50

Example 2: A fully franked dividend of $70 

  1. Calculate dividend income: 
  • Fully franked dividend income: $70
  •  Total dividend income: $70 
  • Franking credit: $30  
  1. Add fully franked divided income to franking credit to calculate taxable income: 
  • Taxable income: $100  

  1. Multiply taxable income by 15% and deduct franking credit to calculate tax withheld:  
  • Tax withheld/refund received: $15  
  1. Add tax withheld to total dividend income to calculate net dividend income: 
  • Net dividend income: $85 

Example 3: A partially franked dividend of $70 

  1. Calculate dividend income: 
  • Unfranked dividend income: $40 
  • Fully franked dividend income: $30  

  1. Add fully franked dividend income and unfranked dividend income to calculate total dividend income: 
  • Total dividend income: $70 
  • Franking credit: $10  

  1. Add franking credit to total dividend income to calculate taxable income: 
  • Taxable income: $80  
  1. Multiply taxable income by 15% then deduct franking credit to calculate tax withheld: 
  • Tax withheld/refund received: $2  

  1. Add tax withheld to total dividend income to calculate net dividend income: 
  • Net dividend income: $68



Researching and
monitoring investments 

The Choiceplus online platform includes: 

  • Independent market and company commentary and analysis, and analyst recommendations. This is provided by UBS. 
  • Commentary and data covering Australian and global financial markets, including market summaries, company news and global financial news. This is provided by Morningstar. 
  • Current and historical share price movement, Australian and global index data, and foreign exchange rates. 
  • Market gainers and losers, turnover, volume and value. 
  • Technical analysis, data and interactive charting. 

Your account includes access to a standard suite of news and market summary information from Morningstar. This includes access to key fundamental analysis ratios for local and global companies, including revenue, earnings, dividends, return on assets, income, profitability and valuations. 

You can set up watchlists to keep track of companies, ETFs and LICs you’re interested in buying, or those you already hold in your portfolio. The watchlist details 20-minute delayed information such as prices, daily highs and lows, volume traded, and changes from the previous day. You can also buy and sell shares from watchlists.

As your portfolio valuation information is based on the closing price from the previous day, it’s a good idea to set up a watchlist for stocks you already own so you can track the intra-day performance of your portfolio. 

You’ll receive alerts and emails via the Choiceplus online platform advising you of any corporate actions you need to be aware of, as well as dividend payments that are relevant to your investments.  

You’ll also receive alerts for listed investments that are on your watchlist. 

The following reports can be downloaded from the Choiceplus platform:

  • Portfolio valuation report: Provides a breakdown of the current valuations of your cash, term deposits, shares, ETFs, LICs and other investment options. It also includes a consolidated valuation of your entire portfolio. 
  • Cash transaction report: Details transactions from your transaction account for a specified date range. 
  • Fees and expenses report: Details fees and expenses such as administration fees, brokerage, and data services for a specified date range. 
  • Dividend report: Details dividends paid on your share portfolio for a specified date range. Includes franked and unfranked dividend income, franking credits, tax withheld and net dividend income. 
  • Unrealised capital gains and tax report: Details unrealised capital gains and capital losses for your share portfolio for financial year periods. 
  • Capital gains disposal and tax report: Details realised capital gains and unused realised capital losses on share sales for financial year periods.