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Comprehensive personal advice could help you get on track to a future full of positivity. 

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Hostplus life


As you age, your appetite for risk might change too. That’s where our Hostplus Life investment option comes in. Its investment approach is based on your age, focusing on higher-risk, higher-growth investments when you’re under 40, then transitioning you to lower-risk investment options as you move closer to retirement.


At a glance

A focus on growth for under-40s

In the early years of your career, you may be able to ride out the ups and downs of higher-risk, higher-growth investments. It’s why Hostplus Life invests in the Shares Plus option for under-40s. This pre-mixed option focuses primarily on Australian and international shares, as these have the potential to provide strong capital growth. There’s a lower allocation to defensive assets, such as fixed interest and cash.

A balanced approach for the middle years

As you move through your middle years, we aim to balance growth and risk, gradually reducing your exposure to risk as you get older. When you’re between 40 to 49, we invest your super in our award-winning1 Balanced option, which contains a highly diversified mix of growth and defensive assets. Then, when you’re between 50 and 59, we aim to further reduce the risk by investing your super in our Conservative Balanced option, which has a higher allocation to assets with defensive characteristics.

Reducing risk for over-60s

As you get closer to retirement, we focus on preserving your hard-earned savings. It’s why for members aged 60 or over we invest your super in our most conservative pre-mixed option, Capital Stable. With an emphasis on defensive assets, the portfolio has a lower proportion of growth assets like shares, and a higher allocation to fixed interest and cash.

Age bracketInvestment optionLevel of riskNumber of years negative returns are expected (out of every 20 years)
Under 40Shares PlusHigh4 to less than 6 years
40-49Balanced Medium to High3 to less than 4 years
50-59Conservative BalancedMedium2 to less than 3 years
60 and overCapital StableLow to Medium1 to less than 2 year

*  The level of investment risk is based on an industry-wide Standard Risk Measure that shows the number of expected negative annual returns over a 20-year period.

Age bracketInvestment optionObjective
Under 40Shares PlusCPI plus 4.5% per annum on average over 20 years
40-49Balanced CPI plus 4.0% per annum on average over 20 years
50-59Conservative BalancedCPI plus 3.0% per annum on average over 20 years
60 and overCapital StableCPI plus 2.0% per annum on average over 20 years
Age bracketInvestment optionMinimum investment time frame
Under 40Shares Plus5 years +
40-49Balanced 5 years +
50-59Conservative Balanced5 years +
60 and overCapital Stable5 years +

^ The minimum investment time frame is based on the option’s risk and return profile, volatility and likelihood of negative annual returns in any one year. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.

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Who is Hostplus Life suitable for?

Members with a five years–plus investment time frame who are seeking a lifecycle option which automatically transitions you from higher-risk options to lower-risk options as you transition through your career and approach retirement. 

Throughout your younger years, your superannuation is focused on long-term capital growth, with a higher investment in assets such as listed equities and property. As you move closer to retirement, your superannuation will be focused more on providing a steady income and preserving capital.

Head to Member Online to choose the investment option that’s right for you.



This table shows the 12-month net returns for our Hostplus Life option at 30 June each year. The net return is the money the investment has earned, minus investment costs and taxes.2  

YearUnder 4040-4950-5960 and over

This table shows the average net return for our Hostplus Life option over 3, 5 and 10 years to 30 June 2022.2

YearUnder 4040-4950-5960 and over
3 years6.73%6.54%3.76%1.96%
5 years8.18%7.76%5.17%3.31%
10 years10.30%9.74%7.06%5.09%

Ready to join? Online applications only take five minutes.

Or call us on 1300 467 875 8am – 8pm (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday. 

1. Awards and ratings are only one factor to be taken into account when choosing a super fund. 
2. Administration and other fees also apply. For a full breakdown of fees and costs, see our fees and costs page or Section 6 of the Member Guide. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund.